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All over the UK, children are getting back into the swing of a new school term and getting used to the demands of the new academic year. And with the summer holidays firmly a thing of the past, teachers have also been getting back to their routines, sorting out old paperwork and making way for an influx of new exercise books and coursework.

But where does all the ‘old’ paperwork get stored? Does it just get thrown away?

Well, most educational establishments keep exercise books, paperwork and coursework for a set amount of time, and need somewhere safe and secure to store them. That’s where our education storage systems come into play – offering somewhere to file things away – whether it’s books, paperwork or personal belongings.

Keeping books organised

No school would be complete without hundreds of books. At Rackline, our library shelving and storage systems offer a fantastic, space-saving way to store books and portfolios.

shelving and storage systems


Keeping the environment clear of clutter

Our range of tray and Gratnells tray storage systems are perfect for tidying away things like art and craft materials, artefacts, components and odds and ends. They’re perfect for keeping things in an orderly manner and can be made to any size.

tray storage systems


Keeping personal possessions safe

Most children at school have their own locker, which needs to withstand daily use and be secure. At Rackline, we can manufacture a wide range of educational locker systems sure to fit the bill.

school lockers

We work with schools, universities, nurseries and colleges to provide storage systems that work. If you’re an educational establishment and you want to organise your classrooms by creating less clutter, call us today on: 01782 777 666.