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Thanks to National Lottery players since 1994, the Heritage Fund has awarded nearly £2.3 billion to 5,600 museums across the UK. Heritage funding fund aims to support small and large institutions including libraries and archives, as well as national and local authority museums. The lottery grant can be used to fund a range of projects that sustain and transform the UK’s culture and aid heritage organisations.

Heritage funding is particularly useful for museums and libraries where space is limited. Whether a new storage solution is used to create new displays, store historic relics or create more space for new exhibitions, upgrading can help to protect some of the UK’s longest-standing artefacts and books.

Keep reading for information on how institutions can make the most out of the Heritage Fund by investing in bespoke storage solutions.

Storage systems for museums

Museums contain some of the most precious and unique items in the world, so storing them away safely is vital to ensure they last year after year. As no museum environment is the same, the shelving, racking and cabinet solutions are not ‘one size fits all’.

Rackline specialises in bespoke storage solutions which are designed and manufactured in-house, specifically for use in museum environments. This ensures that storing special pieces such as artwork, costumes, archives and artefacts, all meet the bespoke requirements for a  museum. For the past quarter of the century, Rackline has worked with a range of nationally recognised institutions to provide the best possible solution for museums throughout the UK.

Storage solutions for archives

Archival storage is key for day-to-day functionality in many institutions, ensuring that confidential and precious documents are stored away and have the ultimate protection. Archives are often stored in high volumes, so ensuring that these spaces do not become overcrowded is particularly important when choosing storage solutions.

Rackline’s bespoke approach to storing documents ensures that floor space is utilised in establishments such as museums, GP surgeries and libraries. Offering a safe and secure method of storing valuable files and books, archiving is required to improve efficiency and ensure the organisation meets key legal requirements in relation to data protection, loss and security. Heritage funding can be used to aid this investment, making organisation accessible for a range of institutions.

Tailored library storage

In a library environment, extensive storage is vital to keeping the building running smoothly and effectively. Whether it is a small assortment of books or a huge collection for a public library, ensuring that they are organised in a practical and efficient manner is always essential. Due to the sheer amount of items stored in a library, bespoke storage is beneficial to keep floor space open and free to the public by ensuring that areas do not become overwhelmed with books.

Rackline provides a wide range of library storage solutions which ensure that books and documentation are kept safe to prevent wear and tear over time. Tailored to each library’s unique requirements, Rackline’s storage systems offer a cost-effective solution to storing away valuable books, documents and artefacts. 

How to apply for heritage funding

The Heritage Fund supports a range of projects including improving museums, libraries and archive storage. Ranging from £3,000 to £5 million, the National Lottery Grant is available for projects of all sizes that aim to support the UK’s heritage.

To express interest in the grant for your organisation, applications are available to submit online, where you can:

When you are ready to submit your application, complete the form online at:

Work with Rackline

By partnering with Rackline you are choosing a UK manufacturer that puts protecting heritage at the forefront of its decisions. Offering high-quality and made-to-measure storage systems, tailored to individual business requirements. To arrange a space audit or for more information, contact us here or call 01782 700144 and speak with a member of our expert team.